I have a bunch of v1, 2 & 3 AU smart plugs. How do I factory reset them to the point that they go into AP mode again? I've tried turning on and off 6 times and holding the button for 40 seconds. Nothing. Also if I power up and go to the web GUI and click the Factory Reset button (which looks like a checkbox) it says:
Resetting to factory defaults...
Rebooting safely...
Error saving 1 preferences to flash. Last error=ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_HANDLE for key=233825507
I have added it to the ESPHome dashboard in Home Assistant, and it does have my Wifi information. That's why I want to factory reset it.
Please confirm that you have not added it to the ESPHome dashboard. If you have already added it, the reset button or button press will not take effect because your Wi-Fi information is already fixed in the firmware.